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WM-Party: Alles vorbei? Und: Deutschland im Herbst 2006
Gisela Steinecke

Das Scharlatanerieproblem: Coaching zwischen Qualitätsproblemen und Professionalisierungsbemühung
90 kommentierte Thesen zur Entwicklung des Coachings
Stefan Kühl

BAPt-Rundbrief Juli 2006
Birgit Grund, Hanne Ruhe-Hollenbach, Renate Wolf, Monika Zweck-Lenske

Introducing a Holistic and Practical Vision of Human Rights from Different Perspectives: the Psychotherapeutic Perspective
WCP position paper - Created at the 4th World Congress for Psychotherapy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2005
Speech presented at the 58th United Nations annual DPI/NGO conference in New York on September 7, 2005, by WCP delegates to the UN, Professor José T. Thomé, M.D., from Brazil and Guillermo Garrido, M.D., from Venezuela.
Submitted by Alfred Pritz, Ph.D. (Austria), Judy Kuriansky, Ph.D. (U.S.A.), Darlyne G. Nemeth, Ph.D. (U.S.A.), Gloria Alvernaz Mulcahy, Ph.D. (Canada), Neil Walsh (U.S.A.), and Sylvester Ntomchukwu Madu, Ph.D. (South Africa)

